
A Practical Guide to HIV Drug Side Effects for People Living with HIV

© 2024, CATIE
(Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange).
All rights reserved

CATIE would like to thank the following people for their help on this guide. Their time, skills and knowledge were invaluable and much appreciated.


Lark Lands

About the author

Lark Lands, the original author of this guide, provided expert, holistic and practical advice for healthier living with HIV for more than 35 years.  During much of this time she was also a scientific advisor to CATIE. Many of our Practical Guides would not have been possible without her enormous contribution. We mourn her passing and honour her legacy.  


Margaret Bream

Sean Hosein

David McLay

Darien Taylor


Alain Boutilier

André Côté


Jonathan Angel, MD

Michael Bailey

Lara Barker

Bryan Budning, DDS

Ryan Cooper, MD

Laurie Edmiston

Melissa Egan

Thomas Egdorf

Pierre Giguère, MSc (pharm)

Troy Grennan, MD

Hal Huff, ND

Lynn Johnston, MD

Patrice Junod, MD

Jeff Kapler, BSc Pharm

Tasleem Kassam, ND

Debbie Kelly, Pharm D

Zak Knowles

Anita Rachlis, MD

Tim Rogers

Paul Saunders, ND

Fiona Smaill, MD

Zahid Somani, BSc Pharm

Alice Tseng, Pharm D

Tsitsi Watt

Sophie Wertheimer

CATIE also thanks the many people living with HIV who contributed their wisdom and experience to the development of this guide.

Design, Layout



Kevin Massé

Production of this guide has been made possible through financial contributions from AbbVie Corporation, Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Inc., Gilead Sciences Canada Inc., Merck Canada Inc. and the Public Health Agency of Canada.