Isolation and coping with loss

It is wonderful that many people with HIV are now living long enough to experience old age.

Living with a chronic illness such as HIV can be difficult at the best of times, however, and this can affect your quality of life. Losses you may have experienced as a result of being HIV positive, such as the loss of health, employment, income, youthful good looks, or friends who have died can be devastating.

Ways to combat isolation

Here are some ways to combat isolation and improve your overall quality of life:

  • get involved in your community and consider volunteering with an organization
  • create a strong social and support network
  • exercise your mind and keep mentally active
  • manage stress and depression
  • eat a healthy diet
  • sleep well
  • get outdoors and exercise physically
  • cultivate a positive outlook
  • quit smoking
  • avoid excessive alcohol
  • have a spiritual practice
  • have a healthy sex life