Recovery trial finds no clinical benefit for hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19

Scientists in the UK are running a large clinical trial called Recovery, which involves testing different therapies for the treatment of COVID-19.

In early June, scientists with Recovery released preliminary results from their study that assessed hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a potential treatment. According to these scientists, the distribution of randomized participants, all of whom were hospitalized due to COVID-19, was as follows:

  • HCQ + usual care – 1,542 people
  • usual care alone – 3,132 people

After 28 days the proportions of people who died were distributed as follows:

  • HCQ + usual care – 26%
  • usual care alone – 24%

This difference was not statistically significant. Furthermore, HCQ did not cause a reduction in the duration of a person’s hospitalization.

Details about this trial will be released in the future.

—Sean R. Hosein


Oxford University. No clinical benefit from use of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalised patients with COVID-19. Press Release. 5 June 2020.