Having a baby with a surrogate

A surrogate is a person who gives birth to a child for somebody else to be the parent.

People use surrogates for a variety of reasons. For example, surrogacy is an option for men who want to have a baby with their own sperm and do not have a female partner. It is also an option for women who want to have a baby with their own egg and are not able to carry a baby.

If you are considering using a surrogate, you should meet with a lawyer. You will need to create and sign a legal agreement with the surrogate. In Canada, it is illegal to pay a surrogate to have a baby for you, though you will need to pay for some of the expenses associated with the pregnancy.

It is possible for people living with HIV to access surrogacy in Canada. However, if you plan to be a biological parent of the child (i.e., if you plan to use your own egg or sperm),  you should consult with a surrogacy agency or lawyer to learn if there are any special considerations related to HIV that you should know about.