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Number of new HIV infections reported in the Philippines
in 2007: 342

Number of new HIV infections reported in the Philippines
in 2017: 11,000+

Percentage increase in 10 years: 3,147


Where HIV ranks among eSwatini (formerly Swaziland)’s
top 10 causes of death: 1

eSwatini is the country with the world’s highest prevalence rate of HIV.
Percentage of adults ages 15-49 living with HIV: 27.4

Percentage of Jackson, Mississippi’s population of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) who are living with HIV: 40

Percentage of people living with HIV in Jackson, Mississippi in 2016
who were Black: 82.2

Proportion of Black MSM in the U.S. who will be diagnosed with HIV
in their lifetime if current trends continue: 1 in 2

Proportion of Latino MSM: 1 in 4

Proportion of white MSM: 1 in 11

Percentage of people who received an HIV diagnosis in 2016 in the U.S.
who were African American: 44
(even though African Americans make up only 12% of the U.S. population)

In Canada, too, African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) people are over-represented among people living with HIV. In 2014, the percentage of people living with HIV in Canada who were African, Caribbean or Black: 16
(although ACB people make up only 2.5% of Canada’s population)

ACB people are approximately 6 times
more likely to get HIV than other Canadians.
(This is based on HIV rates in people from HIV-endemic countries
so the numbers may in fact be higher.)

Indigenous people are approximately 2.7 times
more likely to get HIV than other Canadians.

Number of people worldwide who have been infected with HIV
since the start of the epidemic: 70+ million

Number of people living with HIV worldwide
in 2017: 36.9 million

Number of people living with HIV in Canada
at the end of 2016: 63,100


Percentage of people living with HIV globally
that know their HIV status: 75

Percentage of people with HIV in Canada
that know their HIV status: 86

Of those diagnosed with HIV in Canada, percentage on HIV treatment: 81

Of those on HIV treatment, percentage that have
a suppressed viral load (<200 copies/ml): 91


Number of serodiscordant couples enrolled in the PARTNER study
between September 2010 and May 2014: 1,166

Each of these couples consisted of one HIV-negative partner
and one HIV-positive partner on treatment who maintained
a viral load <200 copies/ml. The number of times couples had
condomless sex over the course of the study: 58,000+

Number of HIV transmissions that occurred between those couples: 0

Number of times serodiscordant couples—in which the HIV-positive partner was on treatment and maintained a viral load <200 copies/mL—enrolled in the
follow-up PARTNER2 study had condomless sex over the course of the study: 76,991

Number of HIV transmissions that occurred between those couples: 0

The chance of passing HIV to a sex partner if you are on HIV treatment and have a suppressed or undetectable viral load: 0


These statistics are estimates, based on the latest data available at the time of publication. The above numbers come from the World Health Organization, UNAIDS, the Public Health Agency of Canada, the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, and the Canadian HIV/AIDS Black, African and Caribbean Network.