Chapter 4: Program management – recruitment and selection of peer health navigators

In this chapter, we identify host agency responsibilities related to recruitment and selection of peer health navigators. These include: defining peer health navigator competencies, developing a strategy to support candidates to assess their readiness to be navigators, and defining a recruitment and selection process.

Chapter 4: Program management – recruitment and selection of peer health navigators (PDF)

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Programming resources and tools

The following resources can be used to support host agency responsibilities related to recruitment and selection of peer health navigators. Where a resource addresses a specific recommendation from the chapter, the recommendation number is provided.


Chapter 5: Recruiting, hiring and orienting peers from Building blocks to peer program success: A toolkit for developing HIV peer programs

Peer Education and Training Sites/Resource and Evaluation Center (PETS/REC) Initiative

This chapter outlines practical considerations to address when recruiting, hiring and orienting peers. Some information related to confidentiality and benefits is specific to the United States. A separate accompanying document contains tools for recruitment and hiring.

Candidate readiness assessment: Supporting peer self-assessment

My action plan worksheet

Peer Navigation Services, Positive Living Society of British Columbia

This worksheet can be used by peers to assess their comfort with performing activities related to a peer health navigator role. (supports recommendation 18)

Activity list and program feedback

Peer-to-Peer Program, Population & Public Health Services - Regina, Saskatchewan Health Authority

This form is completed during the application process at the Peer-to-Peer Program to help peers identify which program activities they are interested in participating in and what they would like to learn more about. (supports recommendation 18)

One foot forward: A GIPA training toolkit: What about ME?

Canadian AIDS Society

This toolkit module helps people with HIV reflect on their motivations, capacity and interests when considering engagement in HIV-related work. (supports recommendation 18)

One foot forward: A GIPA training toolkit: Is that all there is?

Canadian AIDS Society

This toolkit module explores the process and workplace factors people with HIV may want to consider when applying for paid employment or volunteer work. (supports recommendation 18)

Candidate readiness assessment: Confidentiality

Checklist on confidentiality issues (page 72) from Integrating peers into multidisciplinary teams: A toolkit for peer advocates

Cicatelli Associates

This checklist can be used by peers to reflect on what areas of their life they are comfortable or not comfortable sharing with a client. (supports recommendation 21)

Candidate readiness assessment: Self-care

Self-assessment tool: Self-care (pages 41-44) from Building blocks to peer success: A toolkit for training HIV-positive peers: Core competencies: Peer role part 2

Peers can use this checklist to assess their current self-care strategies and identify areas that may benefit from additional attention. (supports recommendation 26)

Candidate readiness assessment: Agency compatibility

One foot forward: A GIPA training toolkit: Assessing your agency

Canadian AIDS Society

Peers can use this toolkit module to assess the host agency and their commitment, policies and procedures related to GIPA/MEPA. (supports recommendation 27)


Peer mentor referral form

Peer-to-Peer Program, Population & Public Health Services - Regina, Saskatchewan Health Authority

This form is used to refer potential peer mentors to the Peer-to-Peer Program. (supports recommendation 29)


Peer mentor application

Peer-to-Peer Program, Population & Public Health Services - Regina, Saskatchewan Health Authority

This application form is used by peers applying to the Peer-to-Peer Program. Peers are also asked to complete and acknowledge a peer mentor agreement during the application process that outlines the details of the peer program and a working agreement. (supports recommendation 30)

Peer involvement in interview panels

Toronto People with AIDS Foundation

This document outlines peer and agency roles and responsibilities when peers participate on interview panels at the Toronto People with AIDS Foundation. (supports recommendation 31)

Peer mentor: Intent to participate questions

Peer-to-Peer Program, Population & Public Health Services - Regina, Saskatchewan Health Authority

This resource contains questions posed to a peer during the interview process at the Peer-to-Peer Program  to assess the candidate’s work experience, self-care, management of stress and balance, and reasons for applying. (supports recommendation 32)

PWA’s Circle of Care Peer Support Program: Peer interview questions

Toronto People with AIDS Foundation

These 11 interview questions assess a potential peer’s interest, skills and understanding of the Peer Support Program role. (supports recommendation 32)

Sample interview questions (pages 3-6) and Interviewing peers: Sample questions and possible responses (pages 32-36) from Building blocks to peer program success: A toolkit for developing HIV peer programs (resources for chapter 5)

Peer Education and Training Sites/Resource and Evaluation Center (PETS/REC) Initiative

This resource contains sample questions for a hiring interview with potential peer health navigators that address a candidate’s interests, skills and experience. These questions are found in a package of sample tools that also cover other aspects of the peer recruitment and hiring process. (supports recommendation 32)