Isolation and coping with loss

It is wonderful that many people with HIV are now living long enough to experience old age.

However, living with HIV can still be emotionally difficult. Losses you may have experienced over time, such as the loss of health, employment or income, changes in your appearance, or the loss of friends, can take a significant, sometimes devastating, toll on your mental health.

There are ways to support and nurture your mental health, which can have a positive effect on your quality of life. This includes

  • getting involved in your community or volunteering with an organization, nurturing positive relationships and maintaining a strong social support network
  • learning ways to find meaning in your life, such as having a spiritual practice
  • staying mentally active and pursuing interests and passions
  • adopting strategies to manage stress and depression
  • cultivating a positive outlook
You can live a long and healthy life with HIV! Growing older means paying attention to your health, getting regular checkups, and taking care of your mind, body, and spirit. We hope that this resource helps you to live your best golden life!