HIV and aging

It’s very good news that people with HIV are paying attention to issues around aging.

Thanks to advances in treatment and care, people with HIV are living longer. This means that people are now aging with HIV. This includes older people who have been living with HIV for many years as well as people who have been newly diagnosed. As people age, new health conditions will develop. People living with HIV will need to be proactive about their health, and pay close attention to changes in their bodies.

Gender and sex are related, but separate, concepts. Gender encompasses socially constructed roles and the identities, behaviours and expressions, while sex refers to biological attributes including physical and physiological features such as chromosomes, hormones and anatomy. Transgender (trans for short) and gender nonbinary individuals are people whose gender identity or expression differs from the sex they were assigned at birth. We use the term “cisgender” (cis for short) to refer to people whose gender identity and expression align with the sex they were assigned at birth.